Join us to Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business Even if You're New to AI!


Every Month via Zoom - Just ÂŁ49.00!

Fancy joining us in person in real life instead? Click here to find out about our AI Woodland Retreat!

We know AI probably isn’t your number one priority.
But it may just be your biggest opportunity!
That’s why we’re inviting you to attend this online AI crash course workshop where we’ll share exactly how you can use AI to your advantage, even if you’re the least techy person ever!
Meet Your AI Human Translators

Hey - we’re Tom (video producer) and Chantelle (copywriter) - and we started AI Survival Skills because we can see both sides of this coin.

Tom Stanhope: "I see AI opportunity not a threat. It's already making my working life easier, faster and more efficient. I totally understand why it feels daunting, bewildering and a little scary, and I'm a passionate advocate for business owners having the skills and understanding to use AI tools in a smart and strategic way not an ad-hoc way."

Chantelle Davison: "Thinking about AI a little differently from most copywriters, I believe the true power of the AI revolution comes in collaboration with the robots. AI won’t take our jobs, but someone USING AI definitely will. Now is the time to get ahead of the curve and understand how to make AI work for you, your business and your future."

As service providers, we can see the potential threat of AI to our respective industries. And we understand the nervousness and trepidation - neither of us are exactly coders!

And, as digital entrepreneurs, we also see a HUGE opportunity:
  • To make more money without working harder and free our time up for creativity and the parts of our business a robot can’t do.
  • To save hours (even days) of time with automation and AI efficiencies without compromising on quality.
  • To share knowledge, expertise and tools with a far wider audience than could ever be reached organically.

We know that understanding AI isn’t really your priority as an entrepreneur.

But maximising profits, streamlining operations, and staying ahead of the curve? That's what every online service provider and business strives for.

Harnessing the power of AI and integrating it into your business in ways that make you more money and save you time: That’s the sweet spot!

🌶  PLUS 🌶 

As Entrepreneurs with ADHD - we're really excited about the opportunity AI provides to level the playing field for fellow neurospicy entrepreneurs!

That’s exactly why we created our company, AI Survival Skills: To share only what you need to know and absolutely nothing you don’t. 
Why Trust Us to Teach You?

We’ve earned our stripes in this area from doing not talking. 

From running corporate workshops and training for bigger businesses to coaching 20+ business owners in our AI Survival Skills Mastermind.  

Our trainees have had transformative ah-ha moments, and we’re eager to share their stories with you and invite you to enjoy the same opportunities!

We aren’t about making this glossy, bamboozling you with jargon, or tying this all up in a neat little 12-week course.

We want to put the tools you need to save time and make money in your hands as they arrive - and give you the confidence and know-how to use them.

Let’s be honest: There are a lot of self-professed AI experts popping up in the online space right now. Some are selling bundles of 1000+ prompts, while others claim to “certify” you as an AI expert.
But here’s the simple truth:

You’re never going to wade through 1000+ commands to find the one you need, are you?  

You’re going to pay £29.99 because “OMG, it’s discounted from £4,000!” (is it, though?!) 

And then it’s going to sit in your email inbox or Google Drive, waiting for the same rainy day as that $27 social media course you bought back in 2021.

And the AI “certification”? Well - if it was created more than 30 minutes ago, it’s already out of date. A course isn’t going to cut it in a landscape moving this fast.

And about 75% of the theory you’ll learn will go in one ear and out the other.


You need to know 3 things to use AI effectively in your business:

  • What tools and software are available right now.
  • What they can do and how they can help you.
  • How to use them.

And then, maybe, a little help perfecting your use of the tools.

We’ve designed our online workshop to give you exactly this: No fluff, no BS, just what’s available, the benefits and straightforward, jargon-free instructions on how to use them.

The investment? Only ÂŁ49.

The return on that investment? HOURS of your life back.

Book Your Space NOW!

  • First, you'll dive into the basics of AI, breaking down the jargon and myths so that you gain a foundational understanding tailored to your business context.
  • Next, you'll engage in hands-on activities, exploring AI tools and strategies so that you can craft a tangible roadmap for your business.
  • Then, you'll chat and share with fellow attendees so that you can learn from their experiences, challenges, and solutions.
  • Finally, you'll reflect and strategise with Tom and Chantelle, which will make crafting your unique AI game plan not only possible but achievable.

We’re so confident in the value we’re providing that we’re putting our money where our mouth is. We offer a money-back guarantee if you attend the workshop, follow our guidance and don’t find a tool that will save you at LEAST an hour a day!

The Agenda for the Workshop (for those who need the nitty gritty):

10:00: Introductions & Housekeeping

10:15: AI Unveiled: Making Sense of the Magic

10:45: The AI Toolkit: Tools You Didn't Know You Needed

11:15: Dive In! Hands-on Activity & Discussion

12:00: Success Stories to Inspire You

12:20 Build YOUR 'AI Survival Toolkit'

1240: Q&A and Close

Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t kick this opportunity down the road for another few months.
Prepare to make the most of AI and future-proof your business as you head into 2024 and beyond.
Ready to unlock AI's potential for your business?

We’re so confident in the value we’re providing that we’re putting our money where our mouth is. We offer a money-back guarantee if you attend the workshop, follow our guidance and don’t find a tool that will save you at LEAST an hour a day!